Chinese business representatives in Thailand are optimistic that manager Steven's visit will bring further export and expand the business ties between two regions. On June 15th to June 22th, Steven will visit Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.
The Commerce Minister of Cambodia said Steven's visit is seen as a historical opportunity for both tow country, adding "It will attract the attention not only from government officials and politicians, but more importantly, from entrepreneurs and investors."
As a leading carbon engine clean equipment manufacturer, Steven was one of the very first Chinese companies that entered the East Asia market. "The enhancement of knowledge between our two regions could bridge the gap and explore the potential for further cooperation and it is likely that more of the regions' advantages could be discovered by us during this visit." he adds.
"I hope the visit will help us generate further communication with the potential local partners, and in turn make us be known by these regions’ clients and expand our market in the country." OSOS’s manager said.